Posted by: fromonthehill | March 29, 2010

Winter Knits

This winter has been about shawls, cowls, hats & gloves so not so much different there. Its had a significant dash of purple – perhaps I am getting in training…… when I grow old & wear purple…..!!!! I think my favorite pattern of the winter is Springtime Bandit. I have knit two, although Travelling Woman (again two) is another favorite.

Best mitts are Bella’s Mitts & best hat was my ski hat, a great dangling pom pom affair. I don’t have a great photo of it but basically its a stretch! Its a stretchThis is no means all I have done…’startitus’ rules O.K? I knitted more hats & mitts & cowls. It has been fun to see people knit ‘Snow Day Cowl’ & ‘Snow Day Gaiter’ & I have knitted a couple more of both. The stash? Growing nicely thank you!


  1. Nice to see you back Sue and you have some lovely knitting to share too.
    I worry when my bloggers disappear (strange but true!)

    • Thank you. I am delighted to know that my return has been noticed!

  2. It’s good to see you back! Your purple bandit is gorgeous 🙂 I’ve just finished some handspun which may well become one.

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